Our museum director Dr. Josephine Gabler was inter­viewed by rbb kultur about the up­coming move to the theater buil­ding.

You can listen to the inter­view here! (German)


In less than 90 days, the grand reopening will take place in the Theaterbau at Charlottenburg Palace, and we couldn’t be more excited! It is with great joy and relief that we observe the good progress of construction during each of our visits to the new location.

Behind the scenes, work is now really getting underway! Now it’s time to roll up our sleeves and pack boxes – and all this in midsummer temperatures. With our combined forces, we are working our way forward step by step, from floor to floor: Sorting, mucking out, packing up. Since the beginning of the week, the museum’s library collection has been packed into more than 50 moving boxes, and the bookshelves are ready to be dismantled. The move of the administration and the artworks into the new premises at Charlottenburg Palace is now within reach – now that exhibition operations in Fasanenstrasse have ceased and the big packing up begins.

Meanwhile, things are moving forward in leaps and bounds in the theater building. The exhibition space is saying goodbye to its darkly painted walls and is being given a wall color that brightens up the interior. Here, where the numerous prints and drawings by Käthe Kollwitz will be presented in the future, the many floor-length windows are suboptimal for conservation reasons and will have to be taken down. Fortunately, construction work is also progressing noticeably in the other rooms of the museum. We are looking forward to seeing how things progress in the coming weeks!